Friday, October 16, 2009


美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CONGRESSIONAL-EXECUTIVE COMMISSION ON CHINA)在10月16日美國東岸時間早上正式公佈該委員會的2009年年度報告。在報告內的第300頁專門報告有關香港與澳門的問題。

報告認為香港民主化發展在過去一年顯著受阻﹐表示人大常委會在四年內兩度作出推遲香港全面實行普選的決定(In December 2007, the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) ruled in favor of delaying universal suffrage for the election of the chief executive until 2017 and for the legislature until 2020 at the earliest. This decision marked the second time in less than four years that the NPCSC has issued a formal ruling to delay the commencement of universal suffrage in Hong Kong.)。報告也提及香港終審法院首席大法官李國能宣佈提前退休的消息。


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