Monday, October 6, 2008

大衛.利達文(David Letterman)與天娜.費(Tina Fey)

如果將來的學者要為美國共和黨總統候選人麥凱恩(John McCain)在2008年總統大選落敗找尋原因的話﹐我覺得有兩個人可能會係其中一個主要因素﹕大衛.利達文(David Letterman)以及天娜.費(Tina Fey)。

麥凱恩原本在上個星期(好似係9月29日)接受利達文邀請﹐在哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)播出的清談節目“The Late Show with David Letterman"內作現場錄影嘉賓受訪﹐但係好衰唔衰放飛機﹐籍口話要趕回華盛頓處理。點知麥凱恩依然留在紐約市﹐仲在原本上The Late Show的錄影時間內到CBS晚間新聞的錄影室接受主播Katie Couric的專訪﹐麥凱恩明顯地玩大細超﹗這件事俾利達文知道後當然“慶”過火屎﹐於是在節目內踢爆麥凱恩講大話﹐並且在連續多天的節目內搵麥凱恩作為取笑對象﹐加以挖苦。上個星期五(10月3日)的節目更加邀請了NBC晚間新聞的主播Brian Williams作嘉賓。由於NBC以及旗下的有線電視新聞頻度MSNBC長期被共和黨以及美國右翼政界人士攻擊﹐認為他們的新聞報導與評論偏袒民主黨以及自由派﹐所以Brian Williams係美國三大無線電視網的晚間新聞主播之中﹐唯一一個未能夠獲得機會與佩林進行專訪。所以佢地兩個人可以話同病相憐﹐在節目內一唱一和﹐齊齊串爆麥凱恩及佩林﹗有人更係Youtube放上當晚的整個訪問片段。

至於天娜.費(Tina Fey)﹐有留意美國新聞以及這個blog的讀者網友都知道﹐當佢模仿共和黨副總統候選人佩林的時候﹐無論神情外貌還是聲線語調簡直就好似佩林的雙胞胎姊妹一樣。天娜.費原本係“星期六晚直播”(Saturday Night Live, SNL)的編劇﹐後來先至走到幕前演出﹐本來已經在2007-08電視季度離開了SNL﹐轉到同樣係NBC播出的處境喜劇"30 Rock"擔正。由於在幕前幕後均表現出眾﹐天娜.費也剛剛憑"30 Rock"獲得美國電視艾美獎的最佳喜劇類編劇﹐以及年度最佳喜劇兩個獎項。當佩林正式在共和黨大會上登場的時候﹐CNN的評論員已經話天娜.費的面孔好似佩林﹐在第二日的報章評論也有人提出﹐可能SNL的監製也聽到這段評論﹐所以要急call天娜.費返SNL客串。依照目前的選情來睇﹐如果無任何針對奧巴馬的十月驚起(October surprise)的話﹐共和黨應該無乜運行﹐天娜.費可能忙到下個月頭選舉結束就可以在SNL收工﹗

點解我會話佢地兩個會係其中一個因素呢﹖David Letterman 以及Tina Fey在SNL的節目有好多中產以及青中年人士收睇。Tina Fey的模仿片段更會在美國各大電視新聞節目上從星期日早上到星期一為止重覆又重覆﹐感染力十分巨大﹐也容易引起公眾共鳴。加上今年選舉﹐多個原本屬於共和黨票倉的州都獲得高記錄的新增支持民主黨選民的數目﹐在這個大小氣候之下﹐你話共和黨仲有無運行呢﹖


Alvin said...

Other than Fox News / WSJ, the US mainstream news media has always been liberal-left leaning. Compared with CNN and CBS, NBC should already be considered moderate. Coupled with the fact that the liberal-left is still bitter about the 2000 Election (though outside of the invasion of Iraq, I can't imagine Al Gore doing any better than Bush) and a country in need of change for the sake of change, the 2008 Election is the Democrats' to lose. I'm actually surprised the race has been this close until the current financial crisis. A competent Democratic candidate should easily have led by double-digits; the closeness of the race just shows Obama is anything but.

HKExpatriate said...

With the recent financial crisis, I predict lots of voters probably will vote for Democrats, since McCain-Palin ticket haven't provide any new idea to solve the problem. It doesn't means voters have strong confidence with Obama-Biden ticket, I guess they are simply looking for new idea and wish the fresh blood can solve the problem.

Alvin said...

Economic problems are always bad for the incumbent party. I agree with you that Obama-Biden is equally clueless about solving this problem (and probably would hurt the economy more with their tax policy), but at times like this, voters just want a change of scenery to stir things up. The only true scenario where McCain-Palin can regain the upper ground would be a serious international crisis (similar to the Russian invasion of Georgia but bigger). Obama's response of getting the UN Security Council involved in the Russian-Georgian conflict was the kind of blunder money can't buy and can catapult McCain into the White House.